Circular No.: 29/2020 English version only
2020-12-14 建築師註冊管理局通告編號.:29/2020

Dear Registered Architects,


As announced in the 粵港澳大灣區新措施簡介會 held on 15 July 2020, there will be new measures to facilitate the construction and engineering related enterprises and professionals to start business and practice in the nine Mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area through a registration system to acquire equivalent Mainland qualifications for providing services in GBA.

The new measures 《香港工程建設諮詢企業和專業人士在粵港澳大灣區內地城市開業執業試點管理暫行辦法》have been promulgated by Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province (DHURDGP, 廣東省住房和城鄉建設廳) for implementation from 1 January 2021. The new measures are attached for your information.

File : 香港工程建设咨询企业和专业人士在粤港澳大湾区内地城市开业执业试点管理暂行办法.pdf

Link: http://zfcxjst.gd.gov.cn/gkmlpt/content/3/3137/post_3137220.html#1423

Should you have any queries, please fill in the attached form and return to us by or before 6:00pm on 15 December 2020 (Tuesday) for our onward submission to DEVB for clarification.

Yours faithfully,

Queenie Wong

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